Article 1: Kotaku claims that Ghostbusters for the PSP is on its way thanks to their sniffing around the ESRB's dumpster or some shit.
Article 2: Kotaku reveals that Ghostbusters is NOT headed to the PSP because "Sometimes (the ESRB is) not such a great resource."
Article 3: Kotaku apologizes for lying to their readership by claiming that a game was destined for release simply from gleaning info from a sometimes unreliable source.
That last article doesn't exist because Kotaku is too fucking proud/lazy/incompetent to admit they made a mistake. Of course, rectifying every mistake Kotaku makes would be a lot of work. Hell, you could almost fill an entire blog with Kotaku's mistakes.
Wow, do you really get that angry over a simple mistake made in relation to a video game? Maybe you have to re-evaluate whats really important in life and not get worked up over such irrelevant things.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should go onto a web sight to post your opinion about my opinion about another web sight.
ReplyDeleteMan, you got me good. I re-evaluated my life just now, and I decided to become a Buddhist monk instead of making fun of an incompetent video game blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for showing me the error of my ways, anonymous.
Goodbye forever Innerrnet,
<3 Blake
I want anon to post a comment about one of our entries that he/she enjoyed! I'm sure some of my Mike "Asshole" Fahey articles have brought a tear or two.