Sometimes you don't need fancy gimmicks or crazy metaphors to be pissed off at asscraft. This is one of those classic timeless examples that never ceases to piss me off. Any normal reporter would link to the notice and tell you the translation, but this classless egotistical fuck sees fit to post a picture of the japanese that he just happens to know how to read. Suck my dick you son of a bitch
Hey, a friend of mine recommended me this blog cause we both agree kotaku puts alot of stuff up where you ask yourself "who cares" or "why." But I feel this statement also applies to this blog. I'm assuming this blog is suppose to be entertaining. But blogs about kotaku's grammar is "who cares" catagory. I definitely like the effort but its not working for me personally. Maybe attack more blogs? and less swearing would be nice. It feels like you guys are trying to be the angry videogame nerd of blogs.
ReplyDeleteOr why dont you make like a database of mistakes created by each writer or like an essay. I do think someone needs to get kotaku but the way you guys are doing it with the swearing and the lack of humor. Makes it feels like someone needs to do a greatjob"greatjobkotaku" blog.
anyway my 2 cents
oh SHIT son our first hata!
ReplyDeletewhatever man i ain't makin you read it.
don't hate the playa hate the game blog.
the humor is obviously lost on you.
"I do think someone needs to get kotaku but the way you guys are doing it with the swearing and the lack of humor."
ReplyDeleteTotally, man. That's the way we're doing it: with the swearing and the lack of humor. LOL WUT
Hey anon, this IS the database. Sorry it's not in a fucking excel spreadsheet for you!
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ReplyDelete"anonymous" can go ahead gag on every dick that he can find on the trip between here and Hell. What a tool.
ReplyDeleteSure this post is a couple of years removed from your thinly-veiled attempt to deride this blog in defense of Kotaku, anon, but given your stunning display of stupidity, I think that the chances are better than good that you've spent the intervening time drooling on yourself like a mongoloid half-wit and masturbating to whatever Japanese thing it is that Ashcraft's obsessing over this week. So I think regardless of the time that's elapsed between when you dropped that sad abortion of a post onto the internet and now, what follows stands to be said just the same.
This blog humorously critiques a site that sucks more dick than your whore mom does just before rent is due. If they choose to curse and to be a little over-the-top in their approach, then that's their prerogative just the same as it's yours to get lost and go fuck a cactus if that approach doesn't tickle your tezzies. Your post reeks of self-importance, and if you didn't go away from writing it feeling at least a little worse about yourself as a human-being, then you should have. Fucking pretentious asshole.