In a world where Lindsay Lohan's white courtroom dress, (read: whore costume), draws more attention than the 1200 planets recently discovered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft, I've come to expect the worst things out of the media and the people who read it.
I guess I had a lapse in maintaining my expectation when I clicked on Kotaku today. You see, some dormant part of me still hopes and prays that one day Kotaku will not be an embarrassment to video game players everywhere. That maybe one day Mike Fahey will actually think before he clicks 'post', or perhaps gain a shred of literary intelligence by reading a book, a magazine, or even a cocktail napkin with some words on it.
That hope is now gone.
Hey Mike, would you like to know a shitty way to teach a child a new word? Reading Kotaku's god damn front page that is NSFW, you fucking cunt. Having a NSFW tag is absolutely useless when your fucking FRONT PAGE has the word "shitty" written on. Now my nine year old daughter is aware of this word and I get to sit and hope she doesn't accidentally use it at school when I'm not around to tell her it's wrong.
Fuck you. I hope you get raped by a chimp.
P.S. I'm allowed to curse this much because this blog isn't a 'journalistic' website with 50k views a day.
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